Food & Drink (mea ʻai & mea inu)

Looking for a special holiday breakfast? Try Toast Hawaii!

One of my favorite breakfast treats (one I never experienced on the Islands) is Toast Hawaii or Hawaii Toast. Easy to prepare and delicious this savory dish is a real people pleaser! So perhaps this Christmas or New Year’s morning, why not skip the Cinnabon’s (gag), Tea & Toast (boring), or eggs & bacon (ho…

Ah yes, those Chinese Fortune Cookies…or are they Japanese?

July 20th is National Fortune Cookie Day, yummy! Who hasn’t eaten at a Chinese Restaurant, or picked up some take-out, without looking forward to that delectable treat filled with words of wisdom–the fortune cookie? Could it be these strange configurations we have grown to know and love are not what we think? But first, in…

Yellow Cab’s Charlie Chan Pasta – “Masarap!”

If you’re travel plans happen to take you to The Philippine Islands or Honolulu, Hawaii, then order-in and try one of Yellow Cab Pizza Company’s best sellers: Charlie Chan Pasta! “Masarap” (delicious) is what you’ll say once you’ve tasted this world-renowned dish! OK…Well, I’ve never actually tasted Charlie Chan Pasta, but this dish is certainly…

This March celebrate National Cocktail Day with a “Luigi”

March 24th brings us National Cocktail Day. And while Detective Chan was a teetotaler; me–not so much.  So with my given name Luigi, I thought we might pause to discover a savory sipper of the same name…”The Luigi!”  I first came across The Luigi recipe in a mystery read, Murder on a Mystery Tour (1987) by Marian Babson.…

Those Charlie Chan Eateries!

Ah November-December, the year’s end approaches and dining-out at festive gatherings abounds! Why not step away from the customary turkey or ham that will no doubt be proffered you this holiday, and get a little adventurous! There still exists a few Charlie Chan establishments in operation! Here are those I could find open and some…